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Varicose Veins Specialist

Chinatown Cardiology

Cardiologists & Interventional Cardiologists located in Chinatown, New York, NY & Flushing, NY

Varicose veins are not always merely a cosmetic problem. Sometimes they are indication of a circulatory issue and can also lead to serious conditions. At Chinatown Cardiology, with locations in the Chinatown section of New York City and Brooklyn and Flushing, New York, our expert team conducts sophisticated vein mapping studies to assess any potential dangers of varicose veins.

Varicose Veins Q & A

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are gnarled, swollen veins that can be seen just under the surface of the skin, usually in the legs or feet. Veins move blood to the heart and have one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. When those valves become weakened for long periods, blood can back up and pool in an area, causing the veins to become ropey and swollen. Varicose veins are common and usually don't cause medical problems, but do sometimes cause pain, blood clots, skin ulcers, or other problems. If you have varicose veins and have any of these symptoms, seek a medication evaluation.

Can varicose veins be dangerous?

Varicose veins are usually not cause for concern. However, on occasion they can cause pain and medical problems. People who have cardiovascular disease and varicose veins, along with other risk factors like hypertension, may be prone to skin breakdown and skin infections from varicose veins.  Varicose veins may also be a warning sign of other circulatory problems.

Varicose veins are different from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), but severe varicose veins may increase the likelihood of developing DVT, a condition in which blood clots form deep in the veins. When this occurs, the blood clots can break loose and move through the bloodstream, lodging in the lungs and blocking blood flow.

What is vein mapping?
This is the process of identifying and measuring veins in the upper or lower extremities. By measuring the diameter of a particular vein and examining blood flow, the physician is able to determine if a patient is suffering from a condition known as venous insufficiency.  Another use of these tests is to determine if a patient has blockage or thrombus within the vasculature. Only about 5% of Americans suffering from Venous insufficiency seek treatment. Without treatment, this condition can become progressively debilitating and can affect daily life.

Office Visit Copays, Coinsurance, and Deductibles

See our list of insurance accepted. If you don't see yours, please call the office, we will be happy to help. Copay is typically a fixed amount associated with an office visit and diagnostic services, depending on your health plan agreement. Copay is collected at the time of service. Coinsurances are based upon the percentage of the allowed amount for a covered service; this portion varies depending on your healthcare contract. Coinsurance applies after deductible is met. Deductibles are predetermined and are also member’s responsibility. Deductible are an annual responsibility, defined by your benefit plan level, deductibles are also collected upfront. If you have any questions regarding your member responsibility please contact the telephone number on the back of insurance card.

1199 National Benefit Fund
CenterLight Healthcare
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
Empire Plan
Health First
Our Locations

For General Questions, please call 212-334-3507