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What Happens After a Cardiac Stress Test?

What Happens After a Cardiac Stress Test?

A cardiac stress test provides valuable information about your heart health during physical activity.

Chinatown Cardiology, with four New York City locations, offers stress tests in-office to diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD) and the cause of heart-related symptoms so we can get you started with the appropriate treatment.

If you’re scheduled for a cardiac stress test, knowing what to expect during and after the procedure can help relieve any concerns you might have.

Our highly skilled cardiologists also provide guidance before your appointment to help you prepare for the test and ensure the most accurate results.

An overview of cardiac stress tests

We use several cardiac stress tests to assess your heart function while you’re active. Two of the most common stress tests include:

Exercise stress test

During an exercise stress test, you walk on a treadmill or use a stationary bike to make your heart work harder. Throughout your test, our providers adjust the tension of the bike or the incline and speed of the treadmill to increase your heart rate.

While you move, we continuously monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels. Our electrocardiogram (EKG) technology also assesses the electrical activity of your heart.

If you’re unable to exercise, we can provide medications that make your heart pump faster.

Nuclear exercise stress test

Nuclear stress testing involves an injection of a radioactive dye into your veins before you start moving. Our physicians then use cardiac imaging technology to take pictures of your heart at rest and after you exercise.

We compare the amount of blood flowing to your heart at rest versus after physical activity. A decrease in blood flow may indicate blockages in one or more of your arteries.

What to expect after a cardiac stress test

An exercise stress test typically lasts about 15 minutes. If you have nuclear stress testing, you should plan to be in our office for a few hours so we have time to complete imaging scans.


If you feel ill or dizzy during the testing process, our team stops the test and addresses any symptoms you’re experiencing.

After you complete either test, we monitor your heart rate and blood pressure until it returns to normal range. In many cases, recovery can take 15 minutes or longer before you can go home, eat, and resume your usual activities.

If your cardiac stress test shows abnormalities in your heart’s activity, you may need additional diagnostic testing. Our physicians can also discuss your options for medications or surgery to prevent heart failure, heart attack, or another cardiac event.

When your cardiac stress test results are normal, additional testing may not be needed. Your physician can provide resources like lifestyle recommendations and diet improvements that support the long-term health of your heart.

Call the Chinatown Cardiology office near you today to learn more about the benefits of a cardiac stress test. You can also book a consultation online. 

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