8 Amazing Facts About Your Heart You Probably Didn't Know

The heart is a complex and fascinating organ that supports every aspect of life. One of the coolest facts about the heart is just how much work it does without us even noticing.
At Chinatown Cardiology, with four New York City locations, our experienced cardiology team has a deep appreciation for the heart and the work it does on our behalf. That’s why we offer heart-focused services to ensure your heart gets the care it deserves.
In recognition of this vital organ, we’d like to share a few amazing facts about the heart you may not know about.
1. Your heart beats a lot
Your heart typically beats more than 100,000 times a day, with a resting heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute.
2. A woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s
On average, a woman’s heart rate is about eight beats faster than a man’s. That’s because a woman’s heart is smaller and needs to pump faster to deliver the same amount of blood to the rest of the body.
Newborns, however, have the fastest heartbeats, averaging up to 190 beats per minute.
3. Your heart moves a lot of blood
Every minute, your heart pumps about 1.5 gallons of blood out to the rest of your body. In a day’s time, that equals about 2,000 gallons of blood sent out to your cells and tissues.
4. Each side of the heart has its own job
The left side of your heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout your body, while the right side delivers blood into your lungs.
5. Your heart is centered
When placing their hands over their hearts, many people land on the left side of the body. However, your heart is in the middle of your chest behind the breastbone. You may feel your heartbeat strongest on the left side because the organ tilts in this direction.
6. Laughing is good for your heart
The old cliché that laughter is the best medicine is true when it comes to your heart. Laughter helps relax the blood vessels so more blood can move throughout your body. When you’re laughing, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to keep blood flowing.
7. There’s no need for blessings
Saying “bless you” after someone sneezes started with the belief that the heart briefly stops. Rest assured that your heart continues beating when you sneeze, but its rhythm may change momentarily.
8. Monday heart attacks are most common
Heart attacks occur more often on Monday than on any other day of the week, possibly due to the body’s circadian rhythm. They’re also common in the morning because stress hormones are at their highest levels.
Heart attacks occur most frequently on Christmas Day, followed closely by the day after Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Be heart aware
Many people are at risk of heart disease and other heart-related complications due to lifestyle, diet, and unhealthy habits.
The good news: The proactive care available at Chinatown Cardiology can reduce your risk factors for chronic heart conditions and better support the long-term health and function of the body’s most powerful organ.
Chinatown Cardiology has offices in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. For preventive screenings to protect your heart health, call the office nearest you or request your appointment online today.
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